David Crowder Band – Remedy – review

This week I promptly picked up the latest offering for David Crowder Band – Remedy. I’ve spend a few days listening to it, and I like it. This is a much more straightforward album than A Collission. The theme of Remedy seems to be saying that Jesus wants to heal us and the world aroundContinue reading “David Crowder Band – Remedy – review”

Surfing the Edge of Chaos – Quote

Surfing the Edge of Chaos is my latest discovery from the library. I’ve only read two chapters but so far I am really loving this book. The second chapter title is worth the price of admission – “Equilibrium is Death.” This book looks at evolution theory and applies it to organizations. Now I am aContinue reading “Surfing the Edge of Chaos – Quote”

Planning ahead for October.

I just started prepping the first sermon for our series in October.  the series is called masks.  The whole point is to try to take off our masks and live authentic Christ honoring lives. As I was writing my heart broke as I was listing out some reasons that people wear masks.  I think theContinue reading “Planning ahead for October.”

Time Saving Football Advice

Tim Sanders who wrote Love is the Killer App (check it out here).  Has written a timely and time saving post on a great way to watch football on Sundays.  Personally I don’t know how I would live a life outside of my house without TiVo.  It’s one of those inventions that you don’t reallyContinue reading “Time Saving Football Advice”

Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins – Review

I just finished whoever makes the most mistakes wins (You can get it here).  Wow, what a great read.  The simple and clear principles are great reminders that success isn’t what we think it is. I have felt like the most important thing in life is succeeding and I have also felt the other endContinue reading “Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins – Review”