I Agree with Tim

At the Life In Student ministry blog, Tim posted his reasoning for keeping High School and Jr. High combined. I agree with his assessment.  I grew up in a ministry that had a combined big group mid week and then more age specific sunday school.  The big gathering on wednesday nights were some of myContinue reading “I Agree with Tim”


I know senior pastors can go through some pretty depressing thoughts on Sunday afternoon, and monday.  Re-hashing what they said, what they could have said, what the church needs to do better or differently, feeling like a failure. Well youth pastors can go through that too.  I’ve been feeling it lately.  I know that theContinue reading “Success?”

Youth Leaders Meeting = Awesomeness

I know what you are thinking, how could any meeting = awesomeness.  Well I will tell you.  First of all the acutal meeting was brief.  Which is key to awesome meetings.  Second, we allowed for people to hangout and have fun together. I’m going to be really honest right now, I have not felt thatContinue reading “Youth Leaders Meeting = Awesomeness”

Hurt by Chap Clark

I wasn’t personally hurt by Chap Clark.  Chap Clark wrote a book called Hurt. Anyway. I am prepping for next weeks sermon.  We are doing a Parenting Series at creekside, which is pretty cool and you can find our videos for the past few weeks at vimeo.com/creeksidechurch. In my prep work I started perusing myContinue reading “Hurt by Chap Clark”